4 Misconceptions About Attending a Ballet Class in Singapore

Ballet has been an art for centuries, originally from France before spreading into a classic, worldwide dance form. However, few people know anything about ballet besides what they’ve picked up from pop culture and a few professional shows they have seen. Because of this, many have started forming myths and misconceptions about ballet. Some people fear learning ballet because of these myths, while others consider it an inferior sport. Here are four debunked misconceptions about ballet so you, too, can consider attending a ballet class in Singapore.

1. You Can’t Learn Ballet as an Adult

One common fact people know is that ballerinas start young. Most of the professional ballerinas you’ve seen have been dancing since they were young. Early childhood is the perfect time to train the body’s flexibility, which is essential in ballet. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t learn ballet as an adult. Plenty of ballet beginner classes for adults can help you grasp the basics. While training your flexibility may be more challenging as an adult, it isn’t impossible if you commit to improving.

2. Ballerinas Have Only One Body Type

When people think of a ballerina, they most likely think of a small and thin woman in a white or pink tutu. However, ballet welcomes dancers of all body types. What matters is how you carry your body and your form, not how it looks. Don’t be intimidated from trying a ballet dancer workout because you think your body doesn’t fit the stereotype.

3. Ballet is for Women Only

Did you know that ballet dancers were always male before ballerinas became more common? During the 17th century, only noblemen were allowed to practise ballet since it was an art form that showed off their societal position. It was only until the 19th century that women started to become more prominent in the ballet scene. If you’re a man who wants to try ballet, don’t be ashamed! Consider attending adult ballet classes in Singapore.

4. Ballet is Considered a Light Exercise

People think ballet is effortless because ballerinas make it look that way. If you decide to attend adult ballet classes in Singapore, don’t underestimate the exercises and routines you’ll have to do. You’d be surprised to find out how strenuous the dance can be. It’s common for professionals to get injured every week because their ballet routines push their physical limitations. Look carefully if you ever have the opportunity to see a ballerina up close. You’ll likely notice that their legs and arms have toned and defined muscles from all that practice.

Now that you know the truth about ballet, are you ready to learn? BalletBody offers ballet beginner classes for adults who want to learn how to dance, but they also provide ballet-based workout classes that will improve your strength and flexibility. Neither requires prior knowledge and experience in ballet, making it the perfect entrance for beginners. You can read about the different types of classes available or learn more about the rates and schedule by visiting BalletBody’s website.

Paul Petersen