The Importance Of Career Counselling For Fresh Graduates In Singapore

Most people think that career counselling in Singapore is only for adults working for more than five years. During this time, working adults experience career stagnation, a situation where they feel they are not moving forward or experiencing growth. 

But did you know that people who have not started their careers yet or young adults in the early years of their jobs feel the same way, too? Some think it is graduation blues, while others see it as a quarter-life crisis. Whatever it is, young adults must receive coaching, such as a women leadership development programme, that will provide them leeway to their chosen career paths Jobaaj Learnings.

Here is why career counselling is vital for fresh graduates:


Some students already have their eyes on the prize when they step into the university and have figured out what they want to be once they graduate. But some students are still in limbo after their graduation.

The latter group often fall into the categories of talents who are in the job related to their degree but not fully interested in it. The beauty of career counselling and leadership coaching in Singapore is it helps you identify your interests, potential, and where you can excel with this potential. All of these things will be considered when choosing your career path Data science & Analytics 14 Week course.


Being a communication graduate does not mean you have to pick a job that aligns with your degree. For instance, communication graduates who are good at writing can be content writers, copywriters, editors, and scriptwriters. Meanwhile, communication graduates who are excellent in public speaking may have a niche for sales and marketing. After all, both these disciplines require strong verbal communication abilities.

Team coaching in Singapore can help plot your abilities and potential in career paths where you can grow and excel. If you are still unsure where to use your ability, it is better to have career counselling.


All fresh graduates return to square one as they enter the job market. Although the educational background and few experiences matter, they only bear a little merit during employment. After all, you will only gain valuable experience and skills during employment.

What matters to employers is the personality of the talent. The problems of communicating your thoughts, maintaining your composure, and avoiding procrastination must be curbed as employers value these soft skills and ethics.

Career counselling in Singapore can help build your confidence and prune the unethical behaviours of people that may affect the colleagues they are working with and their work quality.

Get leadership coaching in Singapore at ANspired. Visit ANspired today.


Tiara Johnson